Thursday 28 June 2012

ATA welding AOM-009

Afternoon all,

I hope your all busy but not too busy to keep up with all matters RPM.

A real mixture this week of meetings and certification keeping us all on our toes.

This is just a quick one to keep you all in the loop of what is changing for you and your welding certs.


As you are all aware ATA has developed a new route structure for re-accreditation.
What changes for you?
The very simple answer to the question is very little. The reason for this is not much has changed, the IMI has chosen to mirror the current British Welding Standards. This means we can carry out the first steps towards your re-accreditation ON-SITE.

What does this mean to you and your technicians?
·         The new AOM 009 (BS1140 & BS4872) has officially become the recognised starting point for renewing an ATA ID card.
·         Once technicians have passed this new AOM they can proceed with the rest of their ATA Panel re-accreditation.
·         This module is used as a prerequisite but unlike your ATA accreditation your AOM-009 is like your current British standard. It has a 2 year validity period.

How does this help you?
·         First and foremost a reduction in cost, the reason for this is theirs no need for multiple testing for both ATA and PAS125.
·         As this certification can be carried out on site there is no need to send your technicians off site incurring unnecessary costs i.e. travel, overnight expenses and reduced loss of production.
·         The certification being carried out on site has a number of advantages. Your technicians will be in a familiar working environment and the equipment they use won’t be alien to your technician.

I hope this sheds some light on the situation for you.

We have alot in the pipe line at the moment so keep watching this space and all our social media sites.




  1. cool website buddy I am gona suggest this to all my list of contacts.

  2. Thank you for updating us on this!
    "The very simple answer to the question is very little. The reason for this is not much has changed, the IMI has chosen to mirror the current British Welding Standards. This means we can carry out the first steps towards your re-accreditation ON-SITE."
